Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wedding- Our Vows

In our wedding ceremony, we did the standard "until death do us part" vows, but we also included customized vows that we wrote to each other.  For those who were not in attendance, & because we will probably not be posting video with audio from the ceremony (instead clips set to music that we used at the reception...soon to be posted!)...we decided to post our vows on here for others to read. Enjoy!!

Jason's vows to Amy:
Since the first day that we met, I have been the happiest that I've ever been, and each day since that you have continued to want me around has only added to my happiness.  As we continue on our lives together I promise to you that our Love will only continue to grow and if times ever get rough, I will always look back on today as a course of strength, inspiration, and understanding.  Today, in front of our friends, family and the world, I rescind the safety phrase that we agreed on for our first date*;  As a sign of our love, no ostrich will ever fly again, especially at midnight.  I love you, until Infinity+1.  

Amy's vows to Jason:
Who knew that 3.5 years ago, your creepy offer to take me hiking out into the middle of nowhere on a first date-- or on a first date to Chicago, a city known for it's meat packing district--could turn into something so wonderful? Every time I look at you, I realize how grateful I am for every twist, turn, bump, and wreck in this metaphorical road of life that I have experienced, because all of it was necessary on the path to meeting you.  Because of you, I realize that every prior heartbreak and disappointment I experienced was for a reason...and it was because I was just making my way to you.

  • Thank you for loving me, and for telling me that you love me each and every day.
  • Thank you for being patient with me...I know it can be difficult at times.
  • Thank you for telling me I am beautiful, even on the days I don't feel that way at all.
  • Thank you for being the perfect laid-back complement to my high-strung self.
  • Thank you for your support and encouragement--you always know when I need them the most.
  • Thank you for listening, and for always being there when I need you.
  • Thank you for making me laugh, and for helping me find a reason to smile and laugh even in the midst of challenging situations.
  • Thank you, for being you.

  • I promise to always be there for you, to be your biggest supporter, your number one fan, and a shoulder to lean on. 
  • I promise to compromise, to meet you in the middle, and I promise to try not to be too demanding.
  • I promise to limit the amount of fabric softener I use in the bath towels.**
  • I promise to never try to make you change who you are or what you believe, because why would I want to change the man I fell in love with?
  • I promise to be the best wife I can possibly be, and while I can't promise to "obey"...I can promise that I will always honor you, always respect you, and always take your directives into consideration...
  • And most important of all...I promise to always love you, unconditionally, forever & always...until Infinity+1.  
(*as a side note: this sentence on in his vows refers to the fact that on our first date, we created a passphrase that when used, it would signal the automatic end of the date.  No questions asked, with the knowledge that there would not be future dates.  That passphrase was never our first date lasted 11:00am-2:00 am :-P).

(**Jason likes his towels without fabric softener...I like them soaked & coated in the stuff to be super soft.  We have found a good middle point between our preferences...but has been one of the "rougher" adjustments to living together & marriage :-) )

Our Wedding (Picture Post)

The weather was perfect...the wedding was perfect :-).  We could not have ordered a more beautiful spring day for our wedding.  I will let the pictures do the talking for this post.  All pictures are done by our friends, and fabulous photographers Kris Arnold & Nikki Dahl.  They did a WONDERFUL job with our wedding photos.  We couldn't be happier!!

A couple getting ready shots...

The guys getting ready...

Walking into the chapel

Ceremony shots...

Post-Ceremony Shots
This one's my favorite :-)

How beautiful is the chapel & the day!

My favorite sequence of photos:
1) Cute
2) Jason being rotten...he followed through with the lick...
3) Eww. Joke was on him though--I was wearing face make-up, which I normally don't do.  Apparently it didn't taste that great :-).

Post-Ceremony Luncheon, Cake Ceremony & Toasts

Everyone at our wedding...except not pictured: Nikki Dahl...who is the fabulous photographer taking the photo :-)

The smurfs DID make it to our wedding day :-)

And finally, my favorite shot.
Such a goofball. :-)

Next Post-- Our Vows :-)

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

OK--so I'm going to make a serious effort to update the blog.  A LOT has happened in the past 2.5 months!  Just a few  things--we got Married, went on a honeymoon, had a reception, worked on our house...etc.  I will try to post a few updates this week to catch up on everything I've neglected posting.

Other things I've been neglecting...thank you notes.  I HATE that I have not gotten them out yet...and I feel like a horrible, ungrateful person.  If you are reading this and you are still waiting on a thank you note...Trust me...You WILL get it :-). Soon...hopefully.  I'm very sorry for the delay. 

Enjoy the forthcoming updates! :-)